General musings on the ups and downs and ins and outs in the life of a 30 something, unmarried, life loving, some times interesting and sometimes not, mostly happy girl just trying to figure it all out!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Negatively Athletic

So it struck me yesterday as I was going through my regular workout routine (and it was significantly harder than normal) that this would never be me:

I won't even lie- I WANT this to be me. But it's never gonna happen. See, I do a good job (usually) about eating well and getting exercise. I am really proud of myself for the effort I have made over the past year and a half. But the deal is... I hate working out. Like really, really hate it. And all those stories about how eventually you get into it and you get a great high from it. Nope, not me. Never ever. I put myself on a jogging program for three months- never built up any stamina. I lift weights and try to increase them slowly- almost kills me (as in, really, because I can't hold them up and the machines come crashing down). No matter how many crunches I do, they never get easier.

Verdict= I am negatively athletic. It's true. I can do things exactly right in perfect form and get no results. Examples: basketball (even though I'm 5'9), softball, football, running, volleyball, rollerskating, hiking, cheer leading... you name it and I will suck at it. it doesn't matter what I do and how I try, I never get better. 

So I have concluded that I will need to satisfy myself with being a size 8/10, almost 30, 5'9 woman (even though Katie is a 5'10 size 4). This is who I am. Be healthy, keep up the exercise, and enjoy life.

As a side note, can we talk about how much Katie's and my dog resemble their owners as it relates tobuild and body mass:
Katie & June Bug

Tall, regal, 0% body fat, highly athletic, ridiculously long, lanky legs, when they walk in- people NOTICE.

Ashley & Van Geaux

Decent height, OK build, a bit of extra around the middle, but adorable with good hair and extremely cuddly. No athletic ability whatsoever. 

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All About Ashley

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Spring, TX, Southern, United States
Playing with and keeping up with my nephew and niece take up a lot of my time. Van Geaux takes up the rest of it. Work is an afterthought most days! I like to be outside- but not when it's too hot. I get bored at my desk all day. Niki keeps my world spinning and without her and AC I'd lose it. My work ethic crashes at 4 p.m. daily and I live my sweet puppy and my hedgehog whenever I am not at Niki's. I truly believe naps are quality pass-time events, and sometimes I say bad words at work. I'm pretty sure I'm insane on multiple levels and I believe rules don't apply to me.
It seems that my life is quite entertaining. I didn't realize this myself, but was informed of it by my friends- who are rather entertained by tales of my life occurrences.

I'm far from a professional writer. These are just stories, comments, and other items for simple amusement. Hopefully it's a fun read, as Shannon plans to edit it into a book one day! Maybe we'll become famous, and maybe we'll just have some good laughs at my expense (and some other characters in my life). Either way, happy reading!