General musings on the ups and downs and ins and outs in the life of a 30 something, unmarried, life loving, some times interesting and sometimes not, mostly happy girl just trying to figure it all out!

Friday, June 1, 2012


"Some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all — in which case, you failed by default."
— J.K. Rowling 

It was so interesting to come across this quote today, because reading before bed last night I read about failure as well. In this case, Brennan Manning was commenting on failing as a Christian. He said that the most successful Christians he knows are the ones who have failed- but gotten back up and kept going. Christians that last know they are going to screw it up, and they accept it. Because they know they are loved.

I had to read that a few times for it to sink in. Because I am truly afraid of failure. Not as much in the day-to-day life way as I am of failing at life itself. I am afraid of not being kind enough, not doing what I am meant to, not being where I need to be. So after that line sank in, I had to sit back and regroup some. I wanted to cry. Because I need to know that I am going to mess up, I am not going to get it right and things will not always work out- but that that is OK. 

I am not there- but I think I will try. :)

"For those who feel their lives are a grave disappointment to God, it requires enormous trust and reckless, raging confidence to accept that the love of Jesus Christ knows no shadow of alteration or change. When Jesus said, Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy burdened," He assumed we would grow weary, discouraged, and disheartened along the way. These words are a touching testimony to the genuine humanness of Jesus. He had no romantic notion of the cost of discipleship. He knew that following Him was as unsentimental as duty, as demanding as love."
-Brennan Manning

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All About Ashley

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Spring, TX, Southern, United States
Playing with and keeping up with my nephew and niece take up a lot of my time. Van Geaux takes up the rest of it. Work is an afterthought most days! I like to be outside- but not when it's too hot. I get bored at my desk all day. Niki keeps my world spinning and without her and AC I'd lose it. My work ethic crashes at 4 p.m. daily and I live my sweet puppy and my hedgehog whenever I am not at Niki's. I truly believe naps are quality pass-time events, and sometimes I say bad words at work. I'm pretty sure I'm insane on multiple levels and I believe rules don't apply to me.
It seems that my life is quite entertaining. I didn't realize this myself, but was informed of it by my friends- who are rather entertained by tales of my life occurrences.

I'm far from a professional writer. These are just stories, comments, and other items for simple amusement. Hopefully it's a fun read, as Shannon plans to edit it into a book one day! Maybe we'll become famous, and maybe we'll just have some good laughs at my expense (and some other characters in my life). Either way, happy reading!