General musings on the ups and downs and ins and outs in the life of a 30 something, unmarried, life loving, some times interesting and sometimes not, mostly happy girl just trying to figure it all out!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Dog Tattoo

I actually, honestly, thought I was the craziest dog owner I knew. I created a bedside table for Van on Saturday. Or maybe AC, she's almost as bad as I am.

Then I saw this:

Jennifer Aniston got her dead dog's name tattooed on her foot. That's a little extreme. I would not get Van's name tattooed on my body. I'm sure she's grieving- I will probably just go ahead and die with Van because I'll be inconsolable. I get the bereavement thing. My dog is family. But a tattoo? Hmm...

I am, however, considering getting Van this do for football season. Geaux Tigers! :)


  1. ...I think I might just be capable of doing that. LOL. aww..I feel for her. Jen's heart is broken for her faithful little man :(

  2. oh my gosh!!!! i am just as bad! for sure!!! poor jen. i can't even imagine!!! i don't want to even think about it. i could cry right now just doing so.

  3. oh sad! poor jen, but yes, i think it might be a little too much! yikes. but that tiger dog is AH-mazing. xoxo


All About Ashley

My photo
Spring, TX, Southern, United States
Playing with and keeping up with my nephew and niece take up a lot of my time. Van Geaux takes up the rest of it. Work is an afterthought most days! I like to be outside- but not when it's too hot. I get bored at my desk all day. Niki keeps my world spinning and without her and AC I'd lose it. My work ethic crashes at 4 p.m. daily and I live my sweet puppy and my hedgehog whenever I am not at Niki's. I truly believe naps are quality pass-time events, and sometimes I say bad words at work. I'm pretty sure I'm insane on multiple levels and I believe rules don't apply to me.
It seems that my life is quite entertaining. I didn't realize this myself, but was informed of it by my friends- who are rather entertained by tales of my life occurrences.

I'm far from a professional writer. These are just stories, comments, and other items for simple amusement. Hopefully it's a fun read, as Shannon plans to edit it into a book one day! Maybe we'll become famous, and maybe we'll just have some good laughs at my expense (and some other characters in my life). Either way, happy reading!